The Candid Voice in Retail Technology: Objective Insights, Pragmatic Advice

The Retail Store In 2017: The Change Imperative

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Stores are in trouble. Will some die? Sadly, that answer is yes. But the store, itself, is not going anywhere. People need them. Even Amazon wants them.
The question is: what does it take for retailers who already own traditional stores to adapt quickly enough to survive the culling?

And what are the best retailers already doing differently to make sure they make the cut?

Download our newest report to find out.

The 2017 Store Report contains:

  • 17 charts
  • 23 pages of analysis
  • Perspectives on in-store employee service, associate training, and Retail Winners’ best practices to improve
  • Insight into which technologies retailers are investing in — and budgeting for — to make the store relevant to consumers once

Help learn what can be done to make sure your stores survive — Download the report today!

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